Ken Hendon has structured business systems for the individual's financial freedom this site discusses those results.
Power and Performance
Published on August 9, 2004 By JKH_1 In Business
Yes, we are doing OK. Yes, we have a great system. But we could not have done it alone.
Tiger Woods was winning everything under the sun until he dorpped his coach. A top five finish is about all he can muster now.
Thinking that even the best can do it alone is nieve. We certainly did not. Without the help of the Biznet team: specifically, Jerry and Fred Harteis, our efforts would have been average at best.
Last evening, at a 25th Anniversary party I looked around the room at all of the people who invested in that couple' s business, marriage, and life. I saw the results of a team effort.
We sat with Annie and Eddie Faustin and discussed their sister's upcoming trip to the olympics. Nadine just ran her personal best time in the high hurdles and is bouncing off the walls with excitement. Nadine is getting the most out of her small (5'4") body because she has surrounded herself with a great team.

Do the people around you make up a winning team? Might be time for some changes?"

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